We gon give it to ya
We gon give it to ya
X gon give it to ya
I currently run 2 of these xeon CPUs in my server. When I specced it out I was looking at about $300/year of energy usage and that was running at like 50% capacity daily. The thing has half the cores disabled because I currently don’t need that much compute and the only thing running on it daily is TrueNAS. It has ran multiple game servers and labs in the past few months and still doesn’t use that much compute. Really just depends what you’re doing with it.
I know right. I can go into Proton now and create an x@mydomain.com alias if I want…for free
Yea Qatar has no room to talk about humanity. They need to just shut up color. After the shit I’ve seen with my own eyes in their country, fuck them. They only care because it affects their religious brethren.
I can’t speak to GrapheneOS since I’ve never tried it.
I will say that my son has the 6a, and I don’t recall him complaining about it. My wife had the 6 from when it came out until the 7 came out and we traded that thing in as fast as we could because of the issues, but the 7 ended up doing the same things.
I’m still rocking my S21+ from 2ish years ago and it’s going strong. I hate the bloat, but it wasn’t as bad as I heard Samsung can be. I couldn’t tell you anything about the S22 or S23 generations.
It just seems like smartphone innovation has become stagnant. I’m hoping for the new fairphone due to the repairability. I dont want to buy the fairphone 4 due to it being over 2 years old already. I’ve found that I don’t need some beefy top of the line phone for what I use phones for. In fact, it seems like phones are having issues being actual phones now. In the past year, just trying to make calls has been horrible. I can’t believe how bad it’s gotten. I have so many dropped calls or poor reception, but my phone will show 4+ bars with 5G and will still stream music and do GPS navigation without issue. But make a phone call, nope, the primary function it’s supposed to have, it just says fuck you.
They’ve been trash phones since the 4. My wife and i had the 3s and they were great phones.
My wife has been through both the 6 and 7 now and is constantly having issues with the hardware and some minor issues with the software. Phones overheating and shutting off just from browsing the web, poor battery life, screen completely dying, apps like spotify and facebook just not loading or crashing, the phone freezing up and not accepting any screen or button input, the phone calling 911 by itself.
I didn’t hear great things about the 5 either. But it seems like their marketing department knows what it’s doing because the 8 sounds like it’s getting rave reviews yet again.
I’m hoping fairphone brings their new phone to the US.
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