Coke never has the water button on it though
Coke never has the water button on it though
There are also people who gasp DON’T like working from home
I love how people will complain about ads on YouTube and then go on to complain that PeerTube sucks because “who’s going to pay the hosting fees?” 🙄 For the record I like PeerTube but Android clients are ass right now
cmake debugger
I use this one in vscodium
There are cmake debuggers where you can walk through exactly what it’s doing line by line
You don’t understand. It needs to be POWDER for me to enjoy something with onions in it
Lies. This only results in more disgusting crunching
These “crappy screenshot of a crappy screenshot of a crappy screenshot…” memes are so annoying
I think the guy on the right’s eyes should be rounder, because he looks angry/sceptical still
It’s not about having accurate dates, it’s about how unix time is used in programming. For some systems that reference unix time for essential calculations, that value rolling over and overflowing would cause catastrophic problems