I dunno, I perceive it more as a letft wing term for left-extremist fascists
I dunno, I perceive it more as a letft wing term for left-extremist fascists
I feel like these memes have to (mainly) stem from badly documented or broken libraries. The only times where I don’t understand what I’m doing are when I try to figure out what someone else is doing
Guilty of being Ricer. To answer the questionmakrs, I decided on Brave (again) recently, although in terms of theming, Firefox definitely offers more.
The only response to that should be
Straw man: Nobody accused you of being Hitler
Terrorists. Israeli terrorists.
Not necessarily right now, but once you connect the dots.
Since the last election, things basically went from “who needs a military anyway?” being a not that uncommon stance to a huge fucking war next door, hybrid attacks and a noticeable uptick in espionage. And today we were reminded that it’s actually happening - our most important ally is now led by a maniac.
Learn to code and you get significantly more mad when stuff is badly implemented and much less mad about weird edge cases
Tell me you don’t read news by telling me you don’t read news
It helps a lot when people think you are insane enough to declare war against your country and occupy it to get what you want
I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t care less for what social media apps are available in China. Also banning social media is not censorship
Lmao yeah, please don’t use Python for ML, using the most famous language for ML for ML is kinda cringe
How often did you elect a socialist government you sickos?! I am disgusted.
Where do I sign up btw? Just so, you know, I can avoid becoming Portuguese.
This is way more fun with shred -f -u
In bigger projects, you tend to miss type safety really bad, really fast. Rust has it built in, Python can have it bolted on. That’s simply one of the many aspects to consider when choosing your programming language.
But don’t worry about it too much. If one thing’s for sure, it’s that you will regret that choice in any case.
What does this have to do with Germany? If anything, the EU has already hinted at consequences should FB do this in their member countries
I feel like I’m missing context
Bruh, you can share the truth on pretty much any way imaginable. Why would you ban one platform, and out of all of them TikTok, to “control the narrative”? Everyone knows what’s going on, there have already been plenty protests because of it, it’s way too late to control anything and maybe most importantly: TikTok offered the US more control and they declined. They straight up proposed to do whatever the hell the government wants if they can stay and it was dismissed.
Highly militarized country criticising highly militarized country for militarazing more… Wouldn’t it be great if there was some way to avoid all this? Anyway, let’s build some tactical nukes, amiright? 😎