Clash oh no my lamp turns around clash my vase!
Clash oh no my lamp turns around clash my vase!
Toothpicks most likely
Is this adam driver?
Yeah! Nobody uses CRT monitors anymore.
Need for speed underground was the first game for me that made my head bop.
Censored for effect
Nobody’s asking you to be fluent but yeah every country I’ve been too I took crash course in the language they speak and used tools to try and speak the language. Expecting other people to learn English doesn’t help with how obnoxious english-speaking tourists have a reputation to be.
Ah the good old english loyalists hiding on their mountain hoping the dirty french peasants won’t touch them.
Nobody likes the fact that English tourists think they just can skip trying to learn a language when they visit another country. That being said, your mom was clearly trying so yeah I would have cut her some slack right away.
I got a Gmail when it came out back when Hotmail was 10MB and gmail had a size that you could see grow on top. It is just my name shortened.
Yeah but looks cool! /s
This should be in the dictionary under bliss.
My guess: The Russian bots current aim for the US left version of the Internet is mostly trying to discourage them from voting.
His kills are serialized.
Technically the british parted from their own government first…
It’s just your boot sequence.
The angriest upvote of them all.
People need to lameduck their code more