Something’s broken, Something’s failing, rotting!
Something’s broken, Something’s failing, rotting!
Before sleep and while driving… Harder to have an endless stream of distractions to interact with during those times.
If pineapple juice is anything like other citric juices, at least the sperm isn’t so acidic and has a relatively weak taste.
“where’s the meme?” is a meme.
I hate when I try to remember my master password without typing it and panic that I’ve forgotten my password. But when I got to type it, muscle memory is still there so no problem.
At $80/year for the online. You’d still be saving $40/year compared to 2 switch subscriptions. You’d save enough in 5 years to buy the 3rd and still be saving $20/year on subscriptions.
And given he wasn’t able to do the job of president due to dementia, I’d say incompetent also applies. Trump is just extra incompetent and extra criminal to almost comical degrees if we didn’t have to deal with results…
OTP for 2FA has just started becoming common here (US) within the last decade I think. Each bank has its own separate app and many banks seem to limit password lengths to less than other websites.
Never heard of this. Where is this at? :o
Is it a square loop?
I always got the opposite impression: people here love Firefox. But it seems that’s part of why they’re critical of its shortcomings.
At least for me, if I’m criticizing something, it probably means I care at least a little bit about whatever I’m criticizing. Not worth time talking about things I actually dislike.
So many communities simply don’t have alternatives here. But I’m happier with the quality of the communities that do exist. So what if they don’t have spam bots sharing 6-12 month old memes that sometimes make no sense outside the timeframe they were post and users just repeating catch phrases for karma increasing the amount of “content”?
You technically only need it on one device if you don’t want to be able to copy/paste or use the autotype feature. Which works fine until you lose or break that one device or upgrade to a new one and forgot you needed to transfer your passwords or delete your database because you didn’t remember what it was and wanted to free up space.
And Bitwarden has scary things like “self-hosting”.
How could you be simpler than keepass? Like, there’s more advanced features, but for basic function, its just a password to access a list of passwords.
Forgot the pre-meeting dip of preparing for meeting or being in waiting-mode.
If your desk is only 3/4ths of a chain long, how will you fit more than one computer?
On linux it’s one pip install and you’re done
Isn’t that how packages/dependencies work on windows as well? Once I got pip updated, I’ve never had any issues with it.
I sometimes just need to mute something for a second that I’m otherwise listening to. Or I’m switching between multiple sources, and don’t want like 3 or more playing at the same time… usually all on the same domain. I don’t want to have to actually go to the tab and mute it. I’m frequently muting and unmuting things that way to the point that even if its the only source of sound, I still mute by tab instead of just turning my computer volume off sometimes out of habit, so its a deal breaker.
I think this just says more about the perils of embracing untreated ADHD than the internet itself.
Tab groups and non-independent tab muting (seems like it was domain-specific rather than tab-specific last I tried) are the two main things that kept me from switching back to FF as my primary browser (still use it for DTA, for example, but DTA got a big nerf back during the major extension overhaul, so that was a letdown). Tried some extensions, but none really worked in a way I considered usable and didn’t want to just keep trial and erroring through them given I already have a browser that functionally meets my needs, even if I’d rather not be using a chromium browser.
If native tab groups work well enough, I’ll probably give it another chance.
“Removed by mod” means the comment was celebratory response.