Belgian 29 year old male, accountant, into physical fitness, outings and watching TV series/films. Enjoy pestering you about your political views and interested in economics.
Can the Chinese even discuss politics like we do here? Haven’t seen anything on rednote beside “political studies” and some Marx praises.
Must admit it’s a bit more difficult with all of it being in mandarin, but god damn, are they under surveillance.
EEE aaaaa uuuuuu.
Took 2,7 seconds on le chat
Le chat mistral told me differently. I’ll have to talk openly about politics with a Chinese citizen before I change my mind.
It’s not fucking normal that a country with such an economy doesn’t have people on the global scene.
You have us, Europeans, you Americans, Aussies, Japanese, Indonesians (VPN), Singaporeans, … All here talking to eachother.
Chinese? Nope. Great firewall of china. I couldn’t even speak to my wife when she was in Shanghai unless it was on WeChat. Her emails were blocked. WhatsApp was blocked. The other phone she tried to use VPN on became completely useless.
China controls their population. Until enough Chinese citizens are able to tell me otherwise.
Brilliant economy, brilliant growth, but god damn, allow them to come out of their hole.