I have had a much better time w Skyrim mods than FO4 on the PS4 as far as stability goes.
I have had a much better time w Skyrim mods than FO4 on the PS4 as far as stability goes.
I only have it on PS4, and yes there are lots of mods in the workshop. There are obviously limitations.
Every few months I try installing various mods to make what I want out of it, darker nights, flashlight mod, weapon and armour changes for a more hard core experience, etc, and end up with 15 or so mods installed.
Start a new hardcore mode, get just about past diamond city, and the game invariably starts crashing.
No idea which one or ones are causing the issue, and in the end I get annoyed and go play something else.
This is all fine and good till it’s a conflict between two specific mods. Damn you FO4 on PS4, why you gotta be like that?
Not doing that from my work computer…
Why? Do people behave in an unrealistic manner? Like taking precautions, social distancing, wear masks, believing that its real?
There is a non-zero chance that once they have a chip in your brain, they will find a way to stream ads in to it.
For that reason, I’m out.
Must have a low IQ cause that’s one box I’m not even going to try and open.
Yeah, I went console when I realised I wanted to spend time actually playing the game.
Sure I’m missing out on the absolute highest settings, mods, etc.
However, I spend 55 minutes out of an hour actually playing the game.
We just need to compromise, arrays start at 0.5
Mine has a brief brake assist, about 1.5 seconds it won’t roll backwards on a hill start.
It’s so subtle and I’ve had the car so long, I completely forget about it.
Any time I drive a car without it freak out when I come off the brake and the car starts moving backwards.
I’ve changed jobs, and moved, to get my commute down to 10 min each way.
As much as I can I ride my motorcycle.
There is nothing I can do to actually be rid of a car, and people who think that can change in American society are just fooling themselves.
Sure it would be great to have high speed rail, and a variety of public transit options, none of that is going to change the suburban sprawl.
I have 20 years experience, just cracked a project I’ve been working on for almost three years, and I still hesitate to consider myself an expert.
Now, I’ll tell any lay person who will listen that I’m an expert, but man, some days I just feel clueless.
I find the biggest issue I run into is lack of a peer group. I work in a large IS department, but other than one guy at my last company who works with a different language, I have no one to talk shop with.
My vernacular is a bit dated, not sure if I’m a tankie, pretty sure I’m not a corpo.
Either way, I’m perfectly happy with the community here as it exists, and if it leans toward the geek crowd I’m all for it.
For sure, if people are looking for an alternative, and are interested, I’ll recommend it, but I don’t think we need to advocate for Lemmy to drive the masses here.
Anyone who hasn’t done a Mun landing shouldn’t get to direct space scenes.