Where the Frodo is mister Frodo? Why censor one Frodo but not the other Frodo?
Where the Frodo is mister Frodo? Why censor one Frodo but not the other Frodo?
One Ring to burn them all
You can easily tell as there is incorrect amount of cables
Then there is this guy that has his headphones so loud that I can hear what he listens to from 5 rows away
It’s just a YT video but if you don’t want to click the link you don’t have to let people know
An introverial madman distributing rings is not a basis for system of government!
Even if they could go 407 km/h all the time they would have to change tires more often than filling the gas tank
This hits hard… I was just quoted 5000-8000€ repair for a sudden engine failure
“The more you buy the more you save” - NVIDIA
Seems like they both went to the same school
It appears I can in my phone app but not on PC unless I select copy link and paste it in new tab… Not sure why
Sam is great. Not fan of the newer games but I do play the older ones from time to time still
Most of the time I can’t tell a difference but with orchestra / classical music I can.
Also most of the time I listen to music when I’m in a factory with 75db-80db noise floor so it hardly matters how good headphones and source I’m listening to.
It’s just at home where I can fully enjoy my flacs with HD 650… Not that I bother listening to them too often anyways.
I’ll take good mp3 256kbps master over bad flac master any day though.
“Today is a good day to die!” - The end
It’s good to ask questions because without questions we would have just answers and answers without questions are just statements
Meat and lembas 5x a day
Still only counts as one
Imagine what could Kevin do if he was left alone to defend Gondor