Sounds very cool. Thanks for sharing your experience with it.
Sounds very cool. Thanks for sharing your experience with it.
Thats pretty interesting. Do you mind telling us rough numbers on time spent building and sale price? Did you set out to make something you thought you could sell or just end up selling it?
Kind of. I saw there were marketplaces like Xpiece, GitMarket, etc popping up and I’m wondering if anyone tried those or something like it. They don’t seem to be exactly branded as ‘template marketplaces’ like a lot of the old source code sites were, but maybe there’s no difference.
Its the same with drawing.
Its funny how no one gets confused about lawyers having to practice law, etc. We need better PR.
And yet everyone I know who has used it pre-2010s ish says ‘sequel’
New one I just became aware of:
How does everyone say SQL?
They don’t care about the quality of television. Writing a story that goes on and on and offers the possibility of several spinoffs is the equivalent of micro-transactions in video games : they make more money that way.
Capitalism only maximizes money, it doesn’t maximize quality. It eats quality to make more money.
because conservatives believe everyone thinks like them and are just scared to admit it
just need to preserve this line because its so spot on
hahaha I really want to know what you’re talking about!
People were saying that about cryogenics.
Humans have a vast body of knowledge about how things work. It’s a shame its dwarfed by the vast body of knowledge we are completely ignorant of.
Much as scientists managed to be surprised that life had evolved to eat garbage in the pacific garbage patch, it seems some will manage to be surprised that when humans eliminate one source of mortality, another inevitably evolves to take advantage of the ever-growing supply of humans.
paradox does not mean ‘has two definitions’. It means the ONE definition contains a contraction, i.e. ‘tolerance needs to be intolerant towards intolerance in order for a tolerant society to exist’ contains a contradiction.
Really can’t agree that qyron is right, doesn’t seem to know what the paradox of tolerance is
‘people posting stuff you consider harmful’ is not a simple, black and white issue. Anyone who pretends that allowing all opinions has no consequences is full of shit, anyone who claims that tightly policing opinions has no consequences is full of shit.
Like almost everything in life, you will have to navigate a tenuous balance between these two things and you will never know if you got the balance right. You are just a sack of meat doomed to die.
I generally assume their ratings are gamed, especially for smaller shops. I know I’ve been asked recently (in the last year) to review the company I’m currently working at on glassdoor by a superior. As you can imagine, I gave the place a good review.
A year later, they’ve laid me and all but 1 dev (the CEOs buddy) off and failed to do basic shit like send COBRA info and agreed upon severance payments, but their glassdoor doesn’t reflect that, because glassdoor doesn’t make it possible to edit reviews past 30 days. I suppose I could go delete the review at least
not sure if it hits like it did in my head
I need to make this into a planter and keep it on my desk. I don’t think it would be possible to be upset with this thing around
such propaganda.
edit: oh are we doing wrong/opposite answers? mb
Britain did brexit and a bunch of other countries elected right wing nut jobs in response to globalization, not just the us