The most magical pope of them all.

I can have you banned from all libraries and arcane magic centers if I catch you using forbidden magicks.

Happy magicking!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 8th, 2023

  • I remember watching a yt short comapring diamond and moissanite and the guy said at the end something along the lines of don’t buy moissanite because idlf you heat it up and then cool it with ice it becomes fragile.

    The best thing was that the comments were all hating on him for so obviously being a diamond industry shill becaue he displayed all the advantages of moissanite and then said to buy diamonds. He got ripped a new one.

  • Sign ne up those freaks have 8 legs. Leave some shoes for the rest of us.

    Damn spiders invading our homes and taking all our shoes and hunting all our flies. And then they have rhe gall to just set up camp in a corner of a room?! Um hello you got a permit for that web mister or will I have to call the cops on ya???