Activated when the people get’s too aware of the exploitation and begins fighting back
Oh my! Haha all these modern languages poisoned my memory
Wait does it teach ai programming in BASIC?
10 dim prompt
20 input(prompt)
30 pring "Nice to meet you"+prompt
40 play g3 c4 e4
50 goto 20
All the protesters know that the cease fire and letting go of Philadelpy route will dismantle the government, because the fascists parties will resign. Netanyahu don’t want this to happen because he’s a psychopath asshole. This will end the war, and surly end the unnecessary death of civilians. Might even create the conditions to a different government.
“They want the war to end.” Lemmy: not good enough
But they do exist, something systematic must be changed for then not to exist. (Public housing, maybe?)
But until than, what?
Seriously, have you considered that the same ideology that strive to choke public libraries, also the one that push people to homelessness? (At least unsheltered homelessness)
Yeah, you shouldn’t see homeless people. no one should!
Organic maps is simple and easy. If you want a power tool, OsmAnd is amazing.
Please consider creating an account and contributing occasionally. In the site OpenStreetMap.orgthe edit mode is very intuitive and easy, in addition there’s Street Complete that makes a fun, quest like gamification for editing and adding information
Relevant user name 😂
It figures you’d say it, it’s probably your algorithm trying to mess up with my mind!
You’ve just described most people…
… In a capitalist society.
I mean, the amazon forst has no value at all, but when you cut it, it’s magically valuable
Yeah, you should. Become the enemy of everyone!
Construct3D? It still exist?