These things and kitchen sink blenders are the two most mysterious things for an European child watching US-Shows.
These things and kitchen sink blenders are the two most mysterious things for an European child watching US-Shows.
And if you venture forth into their support pages you can take a tour through different Microsoft design phases of the last two decades. When everything looks Windows XP/Xbox360… you have gone too far.
Gen X had it’s Part in Memes and grew up. Like tech savvy boomers, Generation X seems predominantly stuck in the middle tier of the career ladder, overshadowed by their Boomer parents. However, they maintain a benevolent and generous attitude toward younger generations. They are fully aware that they will likely never own property, and having children is a significant risk. This painful realization hit them some time ago, hence their sense of empathy. The later you’re born, the more pain you inherit.
Then don’t stop shooting them until everything gets better.
Am not in the US.
We have “defund everything” liberals as well as “alt right nazis” and the conservative harliners or social Democrats… So all the things…
Free Market, Opportunities, Make Your own Way,… (without needing help)… that kind of stuff
True, “pull out by the bootstraps” is liberal anti government propaganda in some ways but also often cited by conservatives… idk…
Nicholas Forko… that name sounds made up.
What I am surprised about is, how united the different political views are in that regard (for now).
Let’s see how big money carves out some loyalist political pawns from the MAGA crowd by mental gymnastics (something something bootstraps). Listen closely to the Fox-News Spin on this story.
I am .NL not .ML please don’t hate on me dyslexic lemmys
“We” as… From the perspective of the Israelis.
The Saudis used a bonesaw to make kashoggi disappear… the Israelis want to send a message:
We are not acting like the good guys any more.
I had a yellow one sticking out… and found out about the codes that evening.
People who use premium should organize to vow to publicly shame and boycott any company putting adds in their premium plan.
Like anti commercials.
Yeah seems like that was it for the US. Have fun living in Gilead.
Less focus by Russian bot farms to steer the discussion.
When I use memes of my childhood (e.g. Rage Faces) the reactions are similar. They don’t realize they stand on the shoulders of giants.
So close it hurts. Even the history revisionary stuff about Nazis is spot on.
Unchilled Tab-Water and filling bottles in the bathroom. Some drinking fountains are publicly available but more of a novelty and none usually not inside of buildings.
I don’t know about others, but getting hydrated isn’t an issue here. It’s rarely significant above 30°C even in summer (and if max 2 months) and our water in my city is of such “high quality” they bottle and sell it. (Aqua di Monaco).