Down here it’s a pretty common hobby. I just got a new .308 last year for this explicit purpose.
Down here it’s a pretty common hobby. I just got a new .308 last year for this explicit purpose.
“On the right side of the dirt.”
It’s not for no reason. It’s because they have stuff we want. Whether that’s resources, land, strategic locations, etc., that’s the reason. Furthermore, we have the means to acquire those things we want. On the great stage, that’s often justification enough.
“If you don’t like how we do it, go make your own” is the biggest cop out.
What do you want then? To have nothing? For your children to struggle like we do? I want mine to have a leg up, any advantage I can give them.
It’s less about that the money gets spent and more about the outcome. The money is burned either way, but now maybe my kids will have it easier and can save their money. Maybe we can start to build more generational wealth, and their kids can have even better lives.
Only if you care at all about them and your relationship.
I don’t know why you’re down voted, you’re absolutely right. Any kind of extra marital intimacy is cheating sans consent from the other person.
I’m thinking “people with too much money” isn’t a protected class, so probably.
Complaining about complaining.
Are the better mods in the room with us now?