Hopefully the lifespan scales with the amount of writable space. Would be even cooler if that factor was improving over time. Any studies or articles on the topic?
Hopefully the lifespan scales with the amount of writable space. Would be even cooler if that factor was improving over time. Any studies or articles on the topic?
That does make me wonder how sd cards and ssd compare in terms of volume/tbw endurance. Does silicon have a typical lifespan per volume?
Just got back into The 1.7.10 pack, good times
Longevity issues combined with harmful rare mineral extraction kinda eats ass in the long run
That’s awesome, you’ve got a built in auto syphon
Okay so KDE was okay 5-10 years ago. Ultimately crawled back to Windoze. What’s in vogue in 2024?
Speaking of heat, I ended up turning my stupid stinky rgb on to display the temperatures of various components. Blue to red the hotter it gets. RAM shows ram temp, water block shows cpu package, radiator fans for coolant/core max, gpu does gpu, etc. Actually pretty useful.
The one in the kitchen I assume
Sounds like somebody isn’t making the most out of their weekly slice…