Potentially also useful for creating good prompts for AI image generators?
Potentially also useful for creating good prompts for AI image generators?
Zettlr is a great program, but to recommend it while bashing Obsidians table editing seems interesting. I’ve never used Obsidian so I can’t say how good their implementation is, but I know I’ve struggled alot with the Zettlr tables…
Then there’s Haskell where arguments to a function are given with spaces
This happened to be in No Man’s Sky. Somewhere close to release, after being stuck in the eternal loading screen where the stars are whizzing by, a white screen with a circle in the bottom appeared. Thought it was another loading screen, but apparently the letter ‘E’ was hidden in the circle, which you needed to hold. Felt embarrassed when I got past the white screen…
But why? Microservices do have some good advantages in some scenarios