Did you write an algorithm to manually drag and drop elements?
I am trying new things, don’t mind some dumb questions.
Did you write an algorithm to manually drag and drop elements?
Ckeditor lol?
Flask developer?
does ‘?’ have type definition in elixir or this is generally agreed design pattern?
First one are method name, second one are status name.
def open_file_dialog(self):
self.dialog_file_open = True
Yoda level preference war.
Looks neat, Good work.
any inside joke about colour inverted image?
the hell they are doing with gta si… nevermind it’s ROCKETstar.
that rat is new JavaScript framework?
Is it the motions you don’t like or the editor itself?
I like mouse more.
and only thing bottlenecking my work right now is me not my tools.
My Firefox package updates are usually slow, limiting downloads to <500kb. So, whenever the download speed used to drop, I knew Firefox released an update.
So when the XZ articles started popping up, the first thing I did was verify all sources.
looked into it, gcse cs uses python in syllabuses.So, most likely
“You should have known what the intent of the question was. Management won’t know or care about the internals of your code as long as it meets requirements. You have failed this test.”
“You should know that you’re calling a function with invalid parameters. Where did you get your CS degree from again?”
sigh you can have your ransom, just remove the cameras.
I am currently looking for job opportunity and amount of gotcha type question i see in OA is just something else.
Trick question?
attribute error
psssss: Python
it now has a hot reload, How long ago were you using Django?
I thought it synced some requests and assigned projects to another user (Saw an ad about github Copilot managing issues and writing PR descriptions sometime ago)
spin a dock…