I break things. Then I put them back together. Then I break them again. Just to show I mean business.
100% goes for the other side as well. There is zero arguing at any side, everybody just shuts down and becomes a fucking retard. Don’t pretend like anything on either side makes sense.
Nothing is anything, did people forget that these are all completely nonsense words with no connection to reality? No matter how scientific and very legal very cool semantic concepts you come up with it won’t change reality one fucking bit. Non binary… Nobody gives a FUCK, it has no correlation with ANYTHING in the Universe, it’s just another shit pseudophilosophical concept being shoved down everyone’s throat like it’s some kind of objective reality.
It’s metaphysics, and “you people” (yes, YOU PEOPLE) suck at it.
The shit you find in your belly hole while navel gazing is not worth shit.
It’s fucking stupid, they’re doing the same as their detractors. It’s just bullshit slinging on both sides. Of course only one side are bigoted cunts, which makes it easy to see who’s on the right side, but going just by the rhetoric on “our” side is fucking sophomoric at best.
Sounds like you’re simplifying the issue just as much as they do.
In fact words all those words are a bunch of gibberish and neither the world nor reality works like that. I can just question the vague and often circular premises of that argument and we’re back to square zero.
Not against the sentiment, but you’re never going to get anywhere with that pseudoacademic bullshit.
Edit: hahaha just keep proving my point. You’re the same as them- dogmatic fanatics with no arguments that hold up for shit.
It’s actually a Russian sponsored non issue to pit us against one another. Sadly the conservatives bought into it hardstyle because they smell money and power to be made from the controversy.
Call it whatever you like, it’s a pretty damn powerful tool.
Let’s start with this and then we’ll do those in order.
What about this, if you buy a product, you no longer have to watch their ads. Anywhere.
I have one word for you:
Service Level Agreement.
Oh I know the pasta. But I wasn’t going to say just oh look pasta, now would I?
Or would I?
I think I made the thing too ambivalent. I just couldn’t be hassled more after trying out so many Linux paint softwares.
Solution to the puzzle is: “What is inside the box? What is it? What, indeed, is inside the fucking box?”.
It is. Low alcoholic is 😘🤏. Or something to that effect.
About a gallon and a half of low-alcoholic beer for me every day for the past some thirty years. Keeps me healthy, virile, and my teeth clean.
Oh, most Assur-edly. But seriously though, that depends on what you mean by “the earliest-known”. Which specific cultures are you referring to? Sumerian was the de facto lingua franca (for written language) until superseded by Assyrian, and in either case, warfare between city-states and proto-states was full on raging basically since the beginning until, well, now. So they were quite aware. The Mesopotamian delta is only so big, you’ve got the two main trading and shipping arteries running through the desert, Eufrat and Tigris, making it super lush and pretty, so generally those were the areas fought over (though back then even the desert wasn’t quite as desert-y as it is today, and there’s plenty of ruins in the middle of bumfuck sandland, though arguably they wouldn’t have settled there without a good source of water. The Assyrians built some sick-ass aqueducts, too, but let’s not talk about them because they were not very nice people).
They made a song about bananas. They spell it out and everything.
From me? Because if from me, touché, I wouldn’t want to be a beer around me either.
Oh my fucking god is that another fucking acronym that the pseudohomos came up with? No wonder people get tired of hearing it…
Jesus christ the whole planet has just gone into retard overdrive.