Are split peas and chickpeas not beans?
Are split peas and chickpeas not beans?
They should put controls on lathes and mills to prevent making guns. Metal guns are a lot more effective than plastic guns anyways. /s
The AmericanCopsAreOnlyBastards brigade
Khan was arrested by Canadian police near the border in Quebec
I like the imagemagick .desktop file that is always created when you install the package. It opens up a really terrible and dated paint-like program that no one ever uses.
Just think of all the thousands of dollars of extra tax revenue.
Stock price --> reward function
Surely, there is no possible better system.
wipes out evidence
I am certain it can be re-enabled with regedit
The cycle continues
My CPU is running at 2.6 Triple thou cycles per imperial second (TTiS)
nationalize the cartel
You and what army?
When I search using DuckDuckGo, I am searching using B*ng? 🤮
I’m actually surprised at how benign this report is. It’s all stuff we more or less already know. I wanted to see the couches.