I don’t think I need to explain to lemmy users how to bypass paying for Windows lol
I don’t think I need to explain to lemmy users how to bypass paying for Windows lol
You’re paying a few bucks to ensure maximum compatibility for the games that you love to play, this isn’t rocket science.
I wasn’t telling anyone to do anything, I was merely making a rational suggestion that would completely solve their issue Jesus Christ you people are insane.
I hate to break it to you, but that is not at all what I said. People join that community to talk about gaming on Linux, myself included… not to piss and moan about not being able to game on Linux.
You are actually the kind of person i see people complaining about in this thread, getting extremely defensive and aggressive when someone has a different opinion to you/challenging your beliefs, thus echo chamber lol
I was getting absolutely mocked the other day in the linux gaming community suggesting people install Windows on their machine, rather than whining about counter strike 2 not running on their LinuxOS.
I’m not telling you to do squat, I am simply stating facts.
I’m not calling you angsty because you don’t like Windows, I’m calling you angsty because of your angsty energy in your responses.
I get it that you’re passionate about Linux it’s pretty obvious, I am passionate about Linux as well however I’m not delusional to the point where I deny windows as the ultimate gaming OS.
My original point and the reason you started conversing with me is that anyone on here complaining about their games not running on Linux should probably spend their time better by installing a copy of Windows on their machine LOL
I didn’t join this community to read posts about people whining about compatibility issues for games that were designed to run on an entirely different operating system, that’s a given and if you run into compatibility issues well that’s the bed you made and you might as well sleep in it. I joined this community to read about other passionate Linux users who are enjoying playing games on Linux.
So angsty. Windows has its quirks, but it does gaming better than any other OS, and that’s a fact, I’m sorry you don’t know how to use Windows but that’s a you problem, not a Windows problem.
I’m also not trying to troll, just being honest.
I don’t tip, but that’s achieved by never doing anything where tipping is expected.
Why would you join an instance that censors adversity?
If you’re gonna do something, do it right. If you’re gonna game, use Windows.
If you’re gonna do literally ANYTHING else, use Linux for that lol
anybody that is in here complaining they can’t play this game on Linux should seriously evaluate their life choices, instead of whining maybe you should just install Windows
you can, it’s in CS2s beta channel
oh you mean back in the day when games were way simpler? come on man games these days are so much more complex.
yo we’re not talking about blizzard, we’re talking about valve here and they are not scumbags like that, I think you’re being a little harsh
to prevent fragmenting the player base
I’ve been having a ball with CS2, and I think releasing at it as a separate game to CSGO would only fragment the player base.
Meh, he probably wasn’t even on the plane… part of the deal
Yep, should be standard everywhere
… for accounts you actually give a shit about
No view lost lol what are you talking about, both ways are correct, but it’s fun to give the others shit about it, it’s just like rooting for your basketball team
I see your point, but I fundamentally disagree; I think it’s the perfect place to make such suggestions because it’s a community where that approach may not be the first idea.
I also think it’s the perfect place to make such suggestions because you’re guaranteed to have different opinions and outlooks, thus generating productive conversation… if everyone is mature and respectful which in this particular example they were not.