Is the 80-character width of early terminals related to the 80-byte capacity of punch cards?
Is the 80-character width of early terminals related to the 80-byte capacity of punch cards?
Here’s the current list of categories we’re using: animals, arts, autos, business, career, education, fashion, finance, food, government, health, hobbies, home, inconclusive, news, real estate, society, sports, tech and travel.
No pr0n?
If it’s Amazon that’s laying you off, they’ll just shut down your email, Slack, and intranet access before you can start work in the morning, and let you figure the rest out yourself.
It’s crazy to me that Amazon just lets Krazam film in their offices (and nearly a decade of employment at Amazon tells me that is 100% an Amazon office). They’re such inflexible, ungenerous bastards.
FOR BEST DX, RUN IT INSIDE OF TempleOS on Parallels Desktop on a Macbook Pro
More good news for Boeing.
Shut the fuck up, Lonny. You’re out of your element.
I love that some of these idiots used their work email addresses. I wonder if Full Care landscaping out of Louisville, Kentucky cares that their VP of Operations is a neo-nazi?
One of my friends bought a RAM module directly from HP for his HP laptop. The module was identical to the one that came with the laptop, and the specs for the laptop said that it could support even more RAM than he installed (I forget the amount—this was 15 years ago). The computer recognized the RAM and everything worked great… for a couple hours, at which point it would slow down or freeze. I took a look at the laptop and noticed that it was running way hot. I took out the new RAM module, and everything went back to normal.
We then purchased two brand new, identical modules, with identical specs to the HP modules, and installed them in the computer. Same issue—everything worked great for a couple hours, and then it would lock up. I took out just one of the new modules, and the freezing problem stopped.
We contacted HP to ask if this was a known issue, and the answer was basically “yep, that happens. Try removing one stick of RAM.”
So yeah, that’s when I committed to never purchasing an HP product, and steering my family and friends away from them.
I have to say, I like the substitution of yeet for return. No cap.
As far as I’m aware it’s mostly right-wing (nut) jobs living in that area.
This is different from the rest of Oklahoma how?
One thing I’ve realized about Amazon, at least lately, is that they don’t always have the lowest prices. For many items, I can go directly to the manufacturer’s site and get the same product for a lower or equal price with free shipping. If I have to wait a couple extra days, so be it. At least I’m not lining Bezos’ pockets.