Part of a standardized curriculum
Yep, I fantasize about baiting a physical fight with my husband’s abusive piece of shit father if I ever meet him. I’d lose, but hopefully get the fucker thrown in jail in the process.
They said 90%, your mom was just part of the lucky 10%!
City vacations: restaurant hunting
Nature vacations: grueling 6am deathmarch #87
Beach vacations: binge drinking and washing sand out of things
Theses is the plural of thesis. Kinda looks stupid out of context but there you go.
I assumed sleep apnea. CPAP users of today are the past’s “dang he died mysteriously in his sleep, oh well!”
I’ll take that as admission that you’re too unintelligent to read.
I stopped reading your comment when I saw you still hadn’t read the article.
I’ll read your comment when you read the article. Challenge level: impossible.
Why would I bother to read your comment when I know it’s wrong?
Skimmed your comment and it’s wrong. Let me know if you ever decide to read the article instead of arguing against an imagined opponent.
You look like a real idiot here. I really suggest you actually read the article instead of “scanning” it. You clearly don’t even understand the term “implicit multiplication” if you’re claiming it’s made up. Implicit multiplication is not the controversial part of this equation, which you would know if you read the article and understood what people in this thread are even talking about. Stop spamming your shitty blog and just. Read. The. Article.
You were too nice to minorities. Hate harder next time so the bigots will like us.