I love everything but I hate everyone.
I love everything but I hate everyone.
Fly when your kid normally sleeps. Practice having them sleep on you. Motrin for kids.
I always book late night / red-eye when travelling with kids / grandkids. For some magical reason I cannot comprehend, they sleep nearly the entire flight.
That would make people happy which is the opposite of what the airline industry wants to have happen.
All it takes is a couple of dudes to buy a couple of yachts, private planes maybe another home or two. And poof. Its gone.
finishes downloading latest movie. Naw, what about you?
Did anyone else feel like the name Woogie is kind of racist but when it came out of Keith Davids mouth you realized it must not be?
Next time you wank it just have a pre wank and youll find out.
Americans are merciless serial killers?
Wait, dont answer that.
Its enough suffering that hes almost tempted to crash an airplane into a building.