The fairly mature internal component we’re working on is v0.0.134
I need this boss. I’m getting aneurism from bosses in sweatpants.
And they’re likely to do so given how much of it depends on how much capital and energy you dump into it.
Currently there’s a window of opportunity for transitioning to a functional state of some sort. I’m referring to either the potential future failure of that, or the potential failure to transition to a functional state.
Well he definitely contributed. He should also get credit if Syria turns into another failed state. One can hope it doesn’t.
I was told by some Jewish friends that Arabs don’t care about Palestinians. 🤔
We’re commenting on an article about Mexico proposing counter tariffs.
No this is from his statement today.
I literally watched his statement from today. Yes, I meant PM.
Meanwhile Canada’s premier PM in waiting is proposing cutting domestic taxes to offset the damage. 🤡
Good point.
Sounds a bit copyright infringey, but I imagine their lawyers have cleared it. Not that I’m a fan of copyright.
The US has plenty of political prisoners
Again, it’s not clear to me what basis there to suggest that USSR or China ratio being higher.
I don’t know if it’s higher I just think it’s not zero.
Originally I replied to this:
Imagine having a Government that uses political prisoners as forced laborers.
It was about political prisoners not general incarcerated population. The aforementioned regimes did hold political prisoners for obvious reasons.
Yes crime skyrocketed after the fall of those regimes.
I’m talking about other one-party communist regimes like the ones in the USSR, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, East Germany, etc. Yes I’m aware they’re they’re not identical, including in rates of political prisoners. The one I’m from had relatively few.
Sure but I think it probably isn’t as easy to gather evidence for this in China than it is in the US. That’s why I think it’s fair to assume the lack of evidence doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. There’s evidence this occurred in collapsed regimes of similar stripes. It’s plausible that China isn’t an exception. I’m not at all suggesting whether this is widespread or not. I have no clue. It could be extremely rare.
No question about the incarceration rates.
That’s a funny way to put it, but kinda sorta true. Anti-cannabis laws for majority black users…
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