Is this the same US military that killed a million Iraqis or are you thinking of some alternate different US military
A terrible smelly person
Is this the same US military that killed a million Iraqis or are you thinking of some alternate different US military
Oh, so the US military should intervene in the Palestinian genocide on the side of Palestine, right? And then pay reparations to Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and all the other places the US has slaughtered in the past 20 years alone.
Yay I wrote something well. I’m usually very self-conscious about stuff I type and always think I sound like a doofus
I recognize that neither electoral party has anything to offer me, especially if both of them are complicit in genocide. Both sides have nothing. Both are equally dangerous. I’m not going to trust any promises that they make. Did I put it in civil enough terms for you, liberal?
smug liberal asshole fantasizes about me getting put in the trans camps because I recognize that both Amerikkkan parties are complicit in genocide. I don’t know where you’ve been, but Biden and Harris were shaking hands with Bibi just in July. The arms shipments haven’t ceased, no sanctions on Israel have been proposed, nothing is being done besides token efforts that fail on purpose.
“wasn’t mean enough to Israel I guess” Is it so much to ask that someone not complicit in genocide be the president? How about this, if the Democrats are so open and willing in their genocide of Palestinians, what hope does that hold for people like me? How can I trust any of you liberals? “Oh, we’ll bomb Palestinian women and children, but don’t worry you trans and gay folk, you’re fine.”
Yeah ok, except I remember the “first they came for the communists” poem and it’s certainly correct about both of our stupid bloodthirsty parties. I’m old enough to have protested against the Iraq War and I’ve personally watched how current Democrats have simply become the Republicans. Harris fucking accepted an endorsement from Dick Cheney, one of the most evil bastards who ever lived. Slaughtered a million plus Iraqis. And yet here you are concocting a situation where only one side will put me in camps or whatever because I recognize the simple reality that the Demokkkrats and Republikkkans are both explicitly genocidal against my Palestinian comrades
why are you people like this, you people never learn anything. Fuck off. The Dead Kennedys were right about everything.
Netanyahu is already doing whatever he wants and you’re doing apologetics for genocide. The current Biden administration is complicit in genocide and no amount of crystal ball gazing is gonna change that. Israel is currently doing everything they ever dreamed of doing. All the libs claiming Trump will get Israel to nuke Gaza are absolutely absurd. They’re no going to nuke land they want to steal and settle, are they?
I’m sick of this shit. The two Amerikkkan parties are identical on foreign policy
Every person who says this will simply describe capitalism with more welfare
Invincible. It’s pretty good, but really violent
Oh ok, that does sound promising if the regeneration works as intended. Thank you for the insightful answer Mr. WashedAnus.
Is there any advantage of this over implants? Maybe I don’t understand the full scope but this seems really roundabout when I have a ceramic implant and it works fine. Maybe a regenerated tooth lasts longer?
Oh ok, I guess nothing is good then and no one should even try to make alternatives. Cool
I never wanted to be anything. Adults would ask child-me what I wanted to do as an adult and I’d just stare at them.
Most EMT training programs are under six months. The little kid might be 12 years old and the adult is 19.
Yeah there are people born in like 2005 who are adults now, that’s how the world spins
because I can consider what exactly one Yemeni mother with dead kids thinks about Trump.
Call the cops then. I’ll have gay sex with all their dads.
The majority of the world aren’t people actively involved in organizing and maintaining fascist organizations, right? If that’s the case I don’t give a shit about them. Keep those types powerless and isolated, remove the material conditions that give rise to fascist tendencies in the first place.
Why not kill Republicans by the way? Bush Jr. killed a million Iraqis. Trump mediated a genocide against Yemen. Mitch McConnell is already a walking zombie. What is gained from keeping them alive? I’m not talking about killing Republican voters or someone who has a bumper sticker. That’s too much work to bother with. I’m talking about Republicans directly managing American empire for the benefit of capital. The average right wing voter is just some loser who deserves re-education.
Stalin should have kept going and made the entirety of Europe socialist. The USSR should have rounded up and executed every former Nazi officer, like the ones recruited in operation paperclip. Did stutter?
If you wanna insult me please call me a queer Marxist Stalinist devil worshiper or something, because that would be more accurate. Call me a North Korea apologist because that’s true. I’d also readily accept insults like baizuo or first world crakkker, because those are unfortunately also true.
i think fascist for you just means “scary person with bad ideas.” if it’s only a pejorative to you, rather than a specific identifiable movement, then you’re not gonna get it. I recommend reading Robert O. Paxton, or Marxist theorists like Antonio Gramsci or (my personal favorite) the historian Perry Anderson. They’ve all written on the particular contours of fascist ideology and how to identify it, rather than treating it as simply a set of violent tendencies.
Shen Yun? More like Shit Poo heyo