Uhm… Let’s see… Maybe…oil?
Uhm… Let’s see… Maybe…oil?
This is the only reason chrome exists. Why else go through the pain to maintain a web browser?
I get your point and I’m all for vegan diets. but it just won’t happen unless meat gets taxed like crazy worldwide. And even before that there will be armed riots if you take away meat from certain demographics. Just look at people going completely nuts once you mention we could introduce one veggie day per week. I just don’t see it. That’s just how we humans behave…
Beyond meat and impossible burger is not lab grown meat. Lab grown meat is using stem cells to grow real meat, just not using an animal but in some other way. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultured_meat
No it’s not. You have no idea how important consuming meat is for some demographics. For some it’s a lifestyle for others it’s without alternative.
Of course LGM has to become cheaper than regular meat before it’s an alternative.
How do you know it tastes like rubbish? Have you tried it?
We need lab-grown meat ASAP
Governments? Try critical infrastructure…
An LLM could probably solve this much quicker than a human.
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