In aisle three da steht ein Röööselein, und das heißt Cooorona! 🎵
In aisle three da steht ein Röööselein, und das heißt Cooorona! 🎵
Hey, we have strikt rules on a highway! For example if you’re driving slower than everybody else and your IQ is under 70 you are prohibited to drive on the right lane even if it’s empty.
Yes, but different mites. Their lifespan is too short. Horses however have to endure years of farting.
How about hard, angry, rough, degrading love?
Kill one person and become an hero: If I double it and give it to the next person and this behaviour carries on it would need just a few people until the first guys get the power to kill every human being. In this scenario I kill one person, so no one gets the power to potentially kill 1+n persons which will eventually happen.
It’s Septuary! You uncultured swine!