Its the one that goes “tschk-tschkt”
Its the one that goes “tschk-tschkt”
Its the same as a code review. Submit a code review for 1 file, get 5 comments. Submit with 1000 files, get a 👍 looks good!
I don’t have time to make a full-on meme post but I can lend a couple of beans: 🫘🫘
It got shot down. Not sure why news say “crashed”…
Just flip it, the top bars are for measuring from the inside.
You gotta double it until it overflows to negatives, then you end up reviving billions of people!
Fair enough, but the difference is not that much considering that you have to charge your phone more often if you stop halfway. Plus, devices are so power hungry these days, you need that extra % to last the day sometimes. Still, we can all agree that batteries will fail and should be swappable. They can be recycled almost in full. EU is doing good on this one.
Not on modern-ish devices. The battery controller already does it for you and shows you 100% when it is not physically at 100%. Plus, lithium polymer batteries are not as affected by this issue as older battery types. This is an old myth basically.
What a blast from the past. Yeah they were called Demotivational posters.
I actually enjoy it. Right after daylight saving time change, it’s dark around 5/6pm here. Christmas lights makes it more bearable.