It is their project, but no company will use it if it’s broken on Windows.
It is their project, but no company will use it if it’s broken on Windows.
I learned Python and regular expressions to download hundreds of pictures from 4chan. Good times.
God. I didn’t knew that Drew was such a language nazi. If you want to write a Go clone, it must be useful for everyone. Even Emacs is available on Windows officially.
That’s a good reason. I used my Java skills to crack a shareware (a solitaire game) because I had no money.
Ruby because it was the first popular Japanese language. I wrote a few useful scripts and it was nice. Then it was swallowed by Rails, and killed by Python. No one uses it around me but it was fun.
AI spam I guess.
Issues: bad code. Smell: future bad code.
I worked for a company that removed admin access on our dev machines. To be admin, we had to send an email to a foreign country and wait an hour to get a token that could only be used once.
Since I was the most productive employee (lazy bastards), I needed to be admin ten times a day. They quickly changed their decision and gave me full access to my computer again after I flooded them with admin requests and comments like “I can’t work.”
The company fired everyone later because humans cost money but that was fun while it lasted.
In regular “semantic versioning” (the most popular), there is no build number.
And very very expensive.
I liked the answer that I once saw here: “Real men do whatever the fuck they want.” No one cares about this kind of judgmental assholery.
Don’t forget to ask what is the other possible value(s) if the scenario doesn’t happen, because that is something forgotten most of the time.
CMake does that…
I have a cure for all cancers. Except that bodies refuse to use its molecules, but it still cures cancer in theory. That’s how agile have always been used around me.
Agile wants to empower devs, but managers do not want this.
It assumes that: devs can and have the right to talk to the final user, devs can negotiate anything, and devs can make plans. Where I’ve used agile, the whole circus was taken hostage by the managers and there was nothing you could do about it.
You’ll tell me it’s not real agile, but it’s like real communism, I’ve never seen it.
Most companies I’ve worked for “do agile because agile” and everything revolves around agile. And you can’t change this because they decide and they have the money.
It’s not Agile’s fault
that managers want to stay in control of everything, and they decide whether they do it or not.
It’s like real communism: it’s perfect but it’s not possible to implement in our universe.
This game was released 10 years after git, and we already had backups since the 80s. Why are they lying?