if you just want to make a simple program. It still needs to run in kubernetes.
“hello OPS-team. Here is my simple program. Have fun running it on your kubernetes”
if you just want to make a simple program. It still needs to run in kubernetes.
“hello OPS-team. Here is my simple program. Have fun running it on your kubernetes”
It’s at most 40 years old technolog
the 60s were 60 years ago
. But it is trained well enough to correlate left and right together
eliza could do that 60 years ago
But only temporarily
but is it?
I thought the temporal improvement would be for everyone who already used the high way (because they will get to their destination a little bit faster). And for the few extra people, who start to use the highway but didn’t use it before, the improvment will stay.
When you add a new lane to a road, people think that the traffic will be easier there, so they take that route instead of their normal one
so for these people the new lane will create marginal improvement, right?
However you will now have rodent problems
chicken got you covered on that front too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iubf1oJdQQQ
============ Top 5: =============== HasThisTypePatternTriedToSneakInSomeGenericOrParameterizedTypePatternMatchingStuffAnywhereVisitor: 97
AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer: 52
AbstractInterruptibleBatchPreparedStatementSetter: 49
AbstractInterceptorDrivenBeanDefinitionDecorator: 48
GenericInterfaceDrivenDependencyInjectionAspect: 47
============ Factories: ===============
the fact that a system eventually becomes complex and flawed is not due to engineering failures - it is inherent in the nature of changing systems
it is not. It’s just that there will be some point, where you need significant effort to keep the systems structure up to the new demands {1}. I find the debt-metaphor is quite apt [2]: In your scenario the debt accumulates until it’s easier to start fresh. But you can also manage your debt and keep going indefinitily. But in contrast to financial debt, paying of technical debt is much less obvious. First of all it is pretty much impossible to put any kind of exact number on it. On the other hand, it’s very hard to tell what you actually should do to pay it off. (tangent: This is why experienced engineers are worth so much: (among other things) they have seen how debt evolves over time, and may see the early signs).
[1] https://tidyfirst.substack.com/p/the-openclosedopen-principle
is stateless possible without kubernetes? (and without vendor lock in?)
GP said:
RE: Containers, even if you DO go that route, do you really need Kubernetes, which will come at an additional monetary and also maintenance cost? The likely answer at least initially is a big fat “no”.
I agree, that good cloud engineers can save costs in the cloud. But I also think good non-cloud engineers, can save much much more.
When you are rewriting your entire stack to leverage cloud performance, you could probably spend a similar effort for a rewrite that increases regular performance by a similar factor.
RE: Containers, even if you DO go that route…
I was under the impression, that stateless stuff without containers requires a strong vendor login (aws lambda, google functions, azure function). Are you saying, I could do stateless without vendor-lockin and without containers and without kubernetes? This is news to me. Please point me to some resources
One’s an active decision
There are not so many quality notebooks without any brand-logos on them.
Also wearing a brand-logo when you have the choice not to, is kinda cringe.
what does “get surprised on their own call” mean?
I use like 3 of the git-feature from intellij (out of 100 or so). But these 3 features save me a lot of time.
(the other 2 being the 3-way-merge-view and the commit-view where I can select changes for staging)
why would rebasing a feature branch change main?
the image does not update the feature branch. It merges the featurebranch into main with a regular old merge-commit on the main branch.
Another advice …quick way to squash all your commits
in your IDE select the commits you want to squash. Then rightclick. Then “squash”. All done.
At the ML course at uni they said verbatime that they are plagiarism machines?
Did they not explain how neural networks start generalizing concepts? Or how abstractions emerge during the training?
I think the “Destitute” level should drop the case and replace it with a paperclip (to bridge the power button)
inkscape is on a level with illustrator (maybe even better)
for drawing: try krita
if you want to pay money (much much less than for adobe): Affinity is on a level with fotoshop