so they’re officially “Texas-based” now eh? Heh. Sure, why not.
so they’re officially “Texas-based” now eh? Heh. Sure, why not.
And now we’re living in the “that was a bad idea” world.
I’m pretty sure it’s the nazi propaganda that’s annoying. Poor Elmo though, all alone with his drugs and his white power and his billions of dollars and international governmental tie-ins. Dadgum hippies just like hatin’ on him to be “cool” and “hip”.
It’s an older meme, sir, but it checks out. I was just about to upvote it.
There is only one Star Wars movie.
The rest is fanfic. Huge, corporate fanfic.
Three simple words: Droning minor chords
You get maybe, in a 2 hour movie . . . 20 minutes maximum. Not 100 minutes.