Medical advice from a stranger on the Internet, so take with salt to taste:
You may want to talk to a psychiatrist about screening for OCD. There’s nothing wrong with staying sanitary, but you deserve to live life without your brain forcing you to do things you don’t want to =)
I dunno what they put in those newer buttons, but they feel so satisfying XD
I don’t read because school conditioned me to consider reading a tiresome chore =(
That, and the dyslexia
I’ll have you know that there are several states that no longer practice slavery, thank you very much! XD
Memes and genes!
Spiders are the bugs I have a problem with XD
(Preemptive) Stow your prescriptivist semantics, pendants! Spiders are bugs because I say so
My cat is named Samwise 😊
Windows 10 is increasingly encouraging me to recommend other operating systems to friends and colleagues
I saw this and thought “Ha! No I don’t!” Then I thought about it for a second and had to check
Turns out I do, in fact, have a Windows partition. Haven’t used it in years, so I know what I’m doing today
Omigod they were screwmates…
Easy! Just spend the month in a US hospital without insurance
Hopefully the billion will cover the rest of the bill
I don’t want to live on the same planet with anyone who would quote that statistic for any reason other than an emphatic demand for action to lower it
“3d printed guns” aren’t all homebrew. Usually with guns you can just buy literally every part except for a certain part that’s serialized and legally considered to be “the gun” (ship of Theseus style; any other part can be replaced and it’s the same gun, but if that one’s different it’s a different gun)
It’s pretty trivial to print only that part and buy the rest. Also completely legal in many states, here’s a website with a bunch of examples: