Yeah except I can get s whole ass meal every Wednesday and Friday for $2… No matter what I have to pay $7 at taco bell. Used to be like $2-$3 for a few decent filling burritos
Yeah except I can get s whole ass meal every Wednesday and Friday for $2… No matter what I have to pay $7 at taco bell. Used to be like $2-$3 for a few decent filling burritos
Because it can’t be turned into a service
The Chinese auto worker is paid more than a Mexican one. Difference is the Chinese companies aren’t afraid of automation, and it has given them a financial cushion to develop better cars.
Tariffs aren’t the answer… I’ve seen some of the newer French cars and they look really amazing. They are an example of when companies have to compete in a free market.
Tariffs just hand the Chinese an even larger lead.
lol I thought this was going to pertain to the weather in NY… Mornings are hitting on the 30s then going into the 70s lol
This will have the effect of people buying far fewer cars because the options are fewer and far between then moving to micromobility.
Politicians be like
Yeah I find it a ridiculous parallel I recently saw an article that put a number on Chinese EV subsidies and it seemed extremely low compared to the barrels of money we’ve been giving the oil companies.
It is massively clownish though because as the barrier to entry goes up higher everyone will just switch to micromobility which is built mostly by the Chinese
I just hate how it is vilified when we literally freely give billions in taxpayer monies to oil companies.
There should be a regulation that somebody lives in the unit full time… I try to filter to just rooms, but it is difficult as sometimes it is a house broken into units.
Honey oat was the shiz for me… Gone now
Hemp needs to be used for a lot more things since it is a very versatile plant… I can’t imagine living in Louisiana with the horrible ethane cracker plants.
Currently the reaction doubles the energy that was put in. If this could be scaled it would be a game changer.
Renewables fed into a fusion reactor is the best currently
I love Ed’s auto reviews no matter how random the car he covers
Holy crap I was just guessing l didn’t think I’d be somewhat accurate.
I bet most people think it is advertising for those candies