Ok the javascript paragraph made me laugh.
Ok the javascript paragraph made me laugh.
Yes, this! I rarely ask for permission on that sort of thing. I’ll just do it as part of my work and see if anyone calls me out on it.
I asked and answered a small handful of questions in the mid 20-teens but not really much since. I still wind up finding good answers there on a semi regular basis, though.
I just looked in my profile and my last question was in 2017. I received a holier than thou “what you’re trying to do is wrong” type of response and finally solved it with the help of a coworker who actually cared.
I second rustlings, it’s really good!
lol I was scratching my head at that choice as well.
Interesting! Certainly there are swift web frameworks out there. The trouble is I’d either have to work for a company crazy enough to let me take a big risk on using it, or else it’d have to be a personal project I do just for the hell of it.
I know you described it as “young” but I almost can’t believe swift is 10 years old now, oof. I remember watching wwdc when it was announced, surely that was recent… right?? 💀
Same! I love using swift but I don’t get to do a lot of iOS development these days. I wish it had more of a life outside of apple platforms.
I still use and love RSS. 🙂
Back in the day I was a big Google Reader fan, then they went and killed it off. Now I use a combination of Feedbin on the web and the Reeder app on iOS.
I’ve used IBM Plex Mono for a long time. Currently giving github’s new Monaspace a try.
Same jeez this headline scared me!
Agreed. The idea of throwing code up at the CI and expecting it to fix my mistakes seems like a bad habit to me.