Distros probably have a kernel though
Distros probably have a kernel though
Is suckless a distro? I thought it was just a collection of software
Careful who you’re calling ding dong. It might just be yourself.
Kde plasma on what distro lol
It could also mean they trampled over it, destroying it in their wake, thus going over it without flying, so to speak
Gandalf arrived in Middle Earth in the year 1000 of the Third Age. So he’s been around in that form for about 2000 years since Bilbo’s farewell party took place in the 3001st year of the Third Age. The Fellowship was founded in 3018 so Gandalf is about that old if we’re only counting his time in Middle Earth like you say
Edit: This is in part why people are upset with the Rings of Power show. If this not-Gandalf character ends up being Gandalf, he’ll have arrived in Middle Earth about 3000 years too early. On top of that there are just a lot of other timeline deviations, including the order of the forging of the rings which you would imagine the whole show to be about.
Unfortunately there are no dragons left who have the fire to test it :/
Doesn’t Hagrid famously have a west country accent?
Why not do both at the same time? Very sensual during Aragorn’s memory flashbacks and I’m sure you can imagine how things might go during Helm’s Deep.
One random thing that really annoys me is that the site http://shakespeare.mit.edu/ does not properly forward http requests to https although they have an https version of the site.
Yeah I wish the dev accepted donations. Ublock makes my life so much better and I have a hard time being online without it. That’s something I’d gladly donate to. You can donate to the maintainers of the block-lists though
I don’t smoke anymore either, but when I did I bought pure cotton filters that were biodegradable in case they left the bin somehow.
Believe it or not, kids these days are using Instagram dms over Whatsapp
I’d say mostly practical reasons. It’s hard to get everyone in your contacts list to switch to Signal or other options. WhatsApp is so widely used that it’s hard to eliminate it completely without losing touch with friends or family. We’re trying, and hopefully with time enough people will switch that WhatsApp can fall to the wayside
And this is what Americans hide in their galette des rois lmao
Or even more convenient, the arr suite + Plex/jellyfish + Overseer. A docker compose is easy enough to write and get running in minutes
Heidegger was a literal Nazi but we still still use his work because Being and Time is so important.