- “Fluorescent lights in grocery store too bright, causing a downward spiral into existential dread.”
- Fluorescent lights too dim to “save energy” making everything creepier, causing increased nervousness
“Itty Bitty Baby Hands and the Skipping Dipshit”
only for the low! low! price of a PhD in Hegelian philosophy
the fake raspberry that gives you metallic burps for the next four hours
it’s time to return to the roots, FORTRAN and LISP and COBOL – C is the new technology
blood sucking leeches versus privacy sucking websites …
meanwhile in capitalism: “Get back to work, you can’t afford a lunch break!”
don’t worry, the Republicans are trying to change that
we’ll just borrow the brake line from your Bentley to fix it
they automatically gets converted to JPEG/MOV files
so many bowl cuts
“Alright, stop, collaborate, and listen”
tropical or sidereal or Schmidt or IAU zodiac?