If you think Trump will do anything but prop up Netenyahu even more, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
If you think Trump will do anything but prop up Netenyahu even more, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
It’s 7-D chess. He wants to use x-Twitter as a tax wire-off.
You can’t 3D print a gun, but you can buy one without a background check. Brilliant.
Never stopped them before from still passing half-assed laws.
This broke me. 🤣
If you think that these days resumes actually reach developers, I have an AI company to sell you.
Itanium jokes are never going to be not funny!
Chaotic evil is “makes you create a ticket, doesn’t work on it, and then blames the ticket for the downtime to the CEO.”
Isn’t this getting blocked in 24H2?
Didn’t they block the Shift-F10 workaround in 24H2?
What’s the alternative? Buying Chromebooks and creating a generation of Google drones?
I also choose this guy’s dead wife.
Glorified autocomplete. That, and Clippy.
I remember a while ago Motorola (before Google acquisition) came out with a phone that had a nearly indestructible screen. in the video they were throwing it off a roof, hitting it with a hammer, crushing it with a car, and all it had was a couple of dings. Haven’t heard a peep since then. What happened to that technology?
He goes by Robert D. Tables now.
Also Samsung Note 7 was da bomb!
Apple would rather maintain a completely different version of its operating systems for Europe…
Next time some apple fanboi tells me how Android is fragmented I’m gonna laugh in their face.
Two software developers walk into a bar…
As a SQL deleloper, can cornfirm.