Nice! This looks really useful. Saving it for later.
Thanks for sharing!
Nice! This looks really useful. Saving it for later.
Thanks for sharing!
What is ML?
Sample size is relevant as a proportion of the difference you are looking for.
For example:
Sample A: 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.2, 1.1
Sample B: 345.3, 323.4, 322.3, 355.2
Determining a statistical difference between these two groups where a meaningful difference is 20%, does not require more samples. The chance of error on making a claim that A is less than B will be quite low.
Not saying that N=18 in this case is sufficient, just stating that the number alone does not give you enough information to determine whether a claim has weight to it or not.
Is taking their land effective though? Wouldn’t it just spawn cells within the newly acquired territory or other regions and continue?
So much hate can only spawn more hate.
I just tried it (Android). Seems solid. Can’t block youtube ads though so for now, sticking with my Firefox+Ublock in android.
Nice. Looking into this one. Although in reality I use about 95% whatsapp just because everyone else does. Wish we could all just switch to Signal or even Telegram but nah… Whatsapp is so engrained everywhere that it is not going to go away anytime soon.
That’s from Suicide Squad. It’s hilarious. The actor in that suit is the directors brother Sean Gunn.
Need this one too!
I use it mostly as a help menu. Details of the function and parameter settings. Also fixing errors. I don’t use it to generate code for me though.