In 2017 when I got my dev job, one of the interview questions were about who’s your idol. One of the most approved answers was “Elon Musk”. It’s actually kind of amazing to see how hard his popularity fell since then.
In 2017 when I got my dev job, one of the interview questions were about who’s your idol. One of the most approved answers was “Elon Musk”. It’s actually kind of amazing to see how hard his popularity fell since then.
I feel like health insurance companies are putting a lot of pressure on people named Mario right now.
The US system month/day/year is pretty bad, but honestly, so is day/month/year. Pretty much everything else is written from largest to smallest unit. Regular numbers: 123, here 1 is the 100s, 2 is the 10s and 3 is the 1s. In money, when a currency also have smaller units, you always say the largest first. “3 dollars, 50 cents.” A digital clock displays the numbers ordered from largest to smallest - 10:45:31. So why are people so proud of the european date format? Writing out a full timestamp would switch from increasing to decreasing units.
ISO-8601 is the only sensible choice.
I’m convinced it’s all just an attempt to improve his statistics, making the average age of people he punches roughly around his own age.
I might be in a minority of this, but using numbers that way breaks my flow for 2 reasons: Firstly, any number of lines greater than around 3 or 4 means I have to stop and manually count. Not that counting to 6 takes a long time, but it does use some mental capacity while I want my mind focused on the actual code. Secondly, I don’t have touch typing in my fingers for the number line on my keyboard. If I need to type a number, I either have to look down at my keyboard, or move my hand over to the numpad. In both cases it would be quicker for me to Vjjjjjy
I’m completely sure, like 100%, fully positive without a single doubt… that I misspelled it and I would never be able to access the server again.
We used to have a server at my university which a polish guy set up. It received the name brzeczyszczykiewich. We decided that the server was secure enough by name, so we only put a trivial password on it for remote connection.
Or you could replace most of the whitespace with repeating semicolons. Makes the code much clearer!
Also, I believe that the final verse is a very different translation than what the word-by-word translation would be. My german is rusty af but I believe it would translate to “will you be together until the pussy is dead, and love her also in the worse days”. And the fun part is that the lines are only a slight deviation from the typical wedding vows. “Tod euch scheidet” would be “Death does you apart” and “Tod der Scheide” is “Death of the split (or slang for pussy)”
I think you’re fine in just 3 dimensions. If the person to the upper left and lower right have a separate elevation from the other two, this is basically just the shape of a 4 sided die.
I might be the dumb one in this one, but HR asked me if I know “design patterns”.
“I mean, yes, I know some design patterns. Any specific?”
“No, just if you are familiar with design patterns.”
“I mean, there are builder, strategy, sigleton, factory etc. Is the question really not more specific?”
“My paper just asks if the dev is familiar with design patterns.”
“Ok. Yes.”
This is actually a case of the Cauchy-Scwartz inequality:–Schwarz_inequality
0 is very cold, 100 is very hot. So 50 is perfect room temperature, right?
Nope, you still have to adjust to an arbitary selection of numbers within that range, so it’s not really any more helpful than celcius if you don’t have experience with the scale.
I think that the best argument is that it makes sense when combined with hours minutes and seconds.
yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss
Goes from large to small units.
Tu-tu, turu turu
Wait, can we just replace a vowel with a star in any random word to mentally change it into a curse?
Mono.just(“Penetrating system”) .doOnNext(System.out::println) .delayElement(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) .flatMapMany(() -> Flux.just(“20%”, “40%”, “60%”, “80%”, “100%”)) .map(“Hacking NASA %s”::format) .doOnNext(System.out::println) .delayElement(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) .subscribe();
That ad personalization will not be pretty.
I’m out-of-the-loop. Did Drake do something bad?