I think Israel is the only entity that is doing basically everything possible to kick-start WWIII. As the Ukraine/Russia stuff is mostly being contained to Ukraine, Donetsk, Luhansk, Crimea, and parts of Russia. But Israel is openly starting new fronts in Palestine and Lebanon. Along with attacking Iran, Syria, and Yemen. And they are most certainly the most likely entity to be the next government to use nukes in war. The doctrine of kill everyone to not allow capture is far more scary than what has been going on in Ukraine.
Not to say that the forced conscription and arrests of draft aged (or even physically able) men isn’t fucked (it very much is). But even the neo-Nazis in command of Ukrainian forces aren’t taking that level of official doctrine of death to their own side. Their doctrine is more “you fight or die” (but not "we will also kill you if you are caught by the enemy) which isn’t exactly “shocking” if a nation is on an actual defense from inside their borders. Israel is invading other nations and acting at more of an ISIS level of fucked up while yelling about how they are “just defending ourselves.”
What we are constantly bombarded with in the capitalist hype train bubble is fucked. Just watching so many corps tripping over themselves to force shit into things that really and truly don’t need (or in shit like health insurance to auto-deny life saving care) is maddening. It is being used without concern over if it is even more than alpha stage. Just like how we see stuff like the games industry just launching games broken as hell as if they are completed and for full price. The stealing of work is very much in-line with capitalism, just as it always has been with regards to physical resources.
But it can have benefits beyond the above stated bubble cashing in and out. It could be very useful in socialist/communist nations. That is because under those systems, the ownership would be collective and benefits shared right back to everyone. But should be carefully applied and not for profits over lives. So really such advancements would make more sense in socialist/communist settings.
Also places like China actually do apply the death penalty to greedy leaders of companies. Which helps compared to the US and other capitalist nations that place those same greedy leaders on pedestals beyond true punishments.