According to The Associated Press, one sailor (SEAL) fell into the water and the other jumped in after them, following protocol.
That’s an interesting protocol.
According to The Associated Press, one sailor (SEAL) fell into the water and the other jumped in after them, following protocol.
That’s an interesting protocol.
And the original story is that:
On Nov. 16, Reuters published a special investigation under the headline “How an Indian startup hacked the world,” detailing how Appin allegedly became a “hack for hire powerhouse that stole secrets from executives, politicians, military officials and wealthy elites around the globe”
I hate teams that say Agile says “no doco”.
The principle is “Working software over comprehensive documentation… That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.”
Agile absolutely needs documentation but it shouldn’t hold up delivering working solutions and shouldn’t be more complicated than necessary.
We don’t want the old-school projects where software was ready but not delivered until a bible of doco was typeset, printed and bound.
Pretty sensationalist headline.