“Funded by the lowest bidder” doesn’t make any sense. Built, run or maintained would.
We get eggs by the dozen, or half dozen. I’ve never seen a ten pack.
As an American I support this position 100%. I’d be next to them saying the same if I could afford anything beyond scraping by daily.
A thumb and forefinger holding two eyes.
You can’t unsee it now.
They’re owned by Nestlé. Fuck Nestlé.
Dolphins also apparently have a prehensile dick.
The price difference was huge not long ago. Now it’s much closer and everything is overpriced severely.
That’s not a “back in my day” thing either, do the math on it and where it should be from inflation and where it’s at from gouging are not even close.
Maybe in 2012 grocery prices buddy. Not now.
Tell me you’re a idiot without telling me.
If you look 65 when you’re 40 you’re doing something wrong.
They’re literally the same size.
I like how it calls out the bullshit that men can’t care for their kids.