GOG is good too.
Right? Call it what you will, changing terms of sale or use after taking someone’s money is wrong.
I’m sure grit + wealth is far better than either alone. It’s really probably grit + wealth + connections + luck.
Xavier, Renegade Angel, biblically accurate? Maybe.
I’d like credit scores systems to be fully public and developed by the government. It would be far better than the three private systems Americans deal with now.
Why yes, cancelling, shunning, etc is bad.
I miss pidgin so much. I tried to use it the other day with Discord and it was terrible. So God-awful.
And that’s fine, but why do gamers use it over any other VoIP option? And why the infinity chat channels over infinity servers?
Only in a social context where “liberal” just means “polite”.
Spice extends life, but I’m not seeing the eyes of ibad here.
all of the ideas on how to make that work
Tbf, that seems like it would depend on the flavor of anarchism.
In the American model, Larry and Carl turn the tray themselves, there’s only one slice of pie on it, and Homer is still in the dungeon getting whipped.
Swear they’ve made search worse everywhere to keep us on aites longer.
If you have an infant or child I believe you can.
Never seen anyone steal baby formula outside a riot, because it’s always locked up.
But yeah, I’m sure some people steal because they’re hungry, but the people I saw steal when working grocery stole steaks, lobster, shrimp, eye drops, high-end hair products, and workers’ hours. If someone was ever stealing out of need (fuck, even a single carbohydrate) they were slick enough about it not to get caught. But we tracked shrink, and could tell when something disappeared without account.
I wonder if Dawson Casting is quite right though. I’m thinking here of an actor playing a man in his mid 20s, but looking much older. Whether he was or not, I’m not sure, but flipping through Wikipedia’s transcripts of the opening narrations of the first season episodes, I see:
E21 has Vera Miles playing a 25 year old when she’s 30.
E31 has George Grizzard playing someone in his “youthful 20s” when he’s about 32 and looks it.
Seems similar, but also different: older actors playing younger people.
The company (Uber, Instacart, etc) is basically:
So not counting drivers and contracted services, it’s practically a small business. Seems easy enough to emulate.
UBlock asks that you give to the blocklist maintainers.