You need O’Brien to act as a lightning rod for any misfortune.
You need O’Brien to act as a lightning rod for any misfortune.
People who are proud of their gear post it.
You seldom hear from the folks running a half dozen VMs on a laptop.
Average user rating is 6/10 so it’s not terrible, but perhaps terribly marketed.
It’s not a bad strategy if used sparingly. Derogatory notes fall off your credit report after 7 years.
I strategically defaulted a CC in early adulthood and by the time I needed a mortgage was back in the 800s.
That was after a visit from Madame Guinan.
He saying he used to be woke?
So basically people eat porridge when they don’t have access to a mill and oven.
Your answer is basically “MS isn’t so bad, just don’t use MS”
Now do Windows 11.
Windows/Mac fanboy wars went out of style 20 years ago.
Luns: I fokk (breed) horses
Kennedy: Pardon?
Luns: Yes, paarden (horses)
Like Java, you can distribute a binary which bundles an interpreter/VM, but your code is still running inside a host OS.
What OS will run the Python interpreter?
Ah, that time when my job required me to write an executable scanner, and all the AVs got jealous I was honing in on their turf.
AV running in kernel mode charges its CPU cycles to the process being monitored, instead of the AV doing the monitoring.
I got a whole bunch of “your program is slow” support tickets which were resolved by telling the client to follow the AV exclusion instructions.
Sounds like the unix philosophy of small tools that do one thing and can be plugged together via pipes.
Make a well designed public interface and make the classes final
God forbid you want to use search exclusion.
Oh, you searched for “some item -plastic”, guess that means you want all these bestselling plastic ones.
Real missed opportunity to name it Zarro Boogs
Models should contain or inherit their own serializers/deserializers.
Either put the generic serialization in a base Model class, or make the base Model class defer implementation to a reusable Serialization helper class, preferably an off the shelf library.