Not at all, if anything I feel affirmed. He seems like a really cool guy. A shame he keeps getting shafted.
Software developer by day, insomniac by night.
Not at all, if anything I feel affirmed. He seems like a really cool guy. A shame he keeps getting shafted.
You still need an extension to automatically open specific sites in their own containers. I genuinely don’t get why.
I swapped back to Firefox a couple of months ago. I am of the opinion that all browsers ought use the same engine, but Google shouldn’t be given more of a chokehole on the web than they already have. It’s troubling enough as it is.
That said, Firefox not supporting basic things like selectively turning off JS for websites, or vertical tabs without using wonky and inelegant third party extensions (and ui-chrome editing!) is honestly ridiculous.
Oh, does the mouse have to be alive? Or could you just carry around a mummified mouse?
C#. Since I’m a .NET developer it’s the stack I’m most familiar with.
Honestly I kind of like the idea of a front end with as little JS as possible.
I hadn’t even thought about that. Thank you.
Yeah, I also feel like it’s fairly recent.
I recently started poking with Vue, For the most part when it comes to webapps I’ve mostly worked with React, Blazor, and a touch of Svelte. The linter is so aggressive. I start defining a method and it instantly goes “IT DOESN’T RETURN ANYTHING!!”
Okay, thanks! I literally just defined the return type!
Me: What? I haven’t even touched that class, let me check.
Visual Studio: Oops, nevermind, héhé 🙃
The thing that trips me up most about this subject is that 140 years ago, pork fat was very good for seasoning cast iron. Today, it isn’t, because the composition of the fat has changed significantly.
That sounds very interesting! Is it because of the way pigs are raised now compared to back then? They eat way fewer babies now, I bet.
Minute Food did a video on this recently.
I misread it as “Widows” and got a bit concerned for a second.
Nah I’m thinking of phones in this scenario. That said, both benefit from having user replaceable batteries.
I wouldn’t trade my wireless stuff for wired ones at this point. Wireless earbuds have gotten so good that dealing with a wire would be a downgrade in most cases. When I work with mixing I always use my monitors with a wire, for obvious reasons.
Also as an aside; any company that claims to do anything “green” is profiteering off of greenwashing. Of course making stuff environmentally friendly would become trendy in the cringe corpo world. I think the most egregious example is Apple’s autumn 2023 iPhone event. Just thinking back on it is making me cringe.
The “greenest” product is the one that is never made to begin with.
I think that’s an issue of semantics. If someone needs their device to last all day and it doesn’t anymore, then it is effectively bricked. Could one find a workaround to the issue? Oh probably, something as simple as lugging around a battery bank should do the trick, but ultimately users being able to just swap the battery in their device themselves isn’t a big ask. It gives a modicum of ownership back to the person who actually bought the device.
Oh yeah, absolutely. I’m not saying that obesity is good, but I also don’t think we can judge people for it. If someone is learning how to love themselves, who are we to stand in their way for it?
Maybe they need that self love to push them forward and lose that weight? Maybe not. Regardless I don’t think telling people how they should or shouldn’t dress will bring anyone any sort of good.
It’s that old saying “if you don’t have anything good to say, perhaps don’t say anything at all.”
We all have our own attractions, that’s fine. However, people don’t have to meet our standards of beauty to exist and take part in society.
They were kind of shit, and confined to that left-most view. The new widget system they added a couple of years ago is really nice, and the addition of making them interactive with the last update was solid too.
As someone that uses both iPhone and Android, the way it is right now Apple’s widgets feel better. I can’t quite put my finger on why exactly that is, but like with pretty much everything (stock) Android, it just feels a little bit janky. It works just fine, and I really like the adaptive theme thing that my Pixel 6 has going on, but it feels a bit off.
I toyed around with the phones side by side, and I think honestly it’s mostly just that Apple must be spending a fuckton of hours just working on getting animations to flow smoothly. That’s the main difference I notice between my Pixel 6 and my 15 Pro Max. They both have 120hz screens, but the latter doesn’t have any sort of flickering, weird clipping, animations that drop/bug out, etc. while the Pixel does.
I recorded two screencaps, doing roughly the same things, so I could see it side by side. This is from my iPhone, and this is my Pixel 6. I enabled the “record touch gesures” thingy on Android, an option I’ve no idea where/if it exists on iOS.
What’s interesting is, I learned that it actually does pick up my gesure when I try to open the app switcher, it just either ignores it, or I’m not precise enough. I’ve never had this issue on my iPhones, but I have it almost every time I use my Pixel. It then pulls up this weird unlabelled app with a bunch of squigglies in it - I genuinely don’t know what that is, and it took me aback because I was expecting the app switcher. Then there’s a bunch of random flickering. One app is “censored” and it shows my wallpaper instead, which is a bit odd but that’s fine. When dismissing the drawer, it remains briefly above the homescreen before just vanishing out of existence.
On iOS all the animations are smooth, nothing pops, flickers, or jerks. Even the padding in the widget drawer is eased in and out of existence.
Does it matter? That’s subjective. Both are solid phones, and for the price I paid for the 15 Pro Max it fucking better be. With Android you have a lot more freedom, of course. It’s not really something I value in my daily driver as my iPhone does all I want from it with zero hassle.
I wholeheartedly support your efforts.
Yeah, I almost burned out a couple years back and the causes were way more complicated than just getting the right work assigned.
I’d cut ties with my abusive mother. I was saddled with debt from living with her. My economy wasn’t quite working out. I was falling behind on work. Caught Covid, which screwed with my heart so my health deteriorated really rapidly. I wasn’t given the opportunity to work from home and the sum of it all just wore me down.
The tasks weren’t the problem, honestly.