As a Swede, i’m right there with you.
As a Swede, i’m right there with you.
Nice post, thanks for sharing!
the shared information would be trusted because of the rigorous privacy and security standards of the system.
And of course no external party will have access to ensure this policy is actually implemented. Internal self-regulation is enough.
Wait, isn’t this exactly the argument that Putin uses about NATO?
Not a fan of either, but it feels hypocritical for NATO to call Putin’s arguments nonsense, and then turn around and use that exact argument against China.
I totally hear butchers (The boys) voice in my head when I read that comment.
Agreed, I mean the west could offer great expat packages to attract talent, but I’m sure they will go with punative taxes instead.
This is especially devastating when WFH is being rescinded and more and more people need to commute.
Yeah, tariffs might have a positive effect short term, but it can also lead to a trade war, but regardless, we make earth a harder place to live, and it also make EVs more expensive.
Wouldn’t trying to change your mind basically become a self fulfilling prophecy.
deleted by creator
Forgive my ignorance, but isn’t burglary a legally defined term that require a certain crime to have been commited?
This is just terrible on so many levels! Even if you decide these people need to be charged, how tf is this considered burglary?
“The US firmly stands with Israel and refuses to allow international bureaucrats to baselessly issue arrest warrants to Israeli leadership for false crimes.”
Wow, the propaganda really worked with this one.
Afaik it refers to the bacteria being treatment resistant. Usually penicillin resistant bugs are classified as super.
Wouldn’t tar --help suffice? Afaik, it returns exit code 0.
Okay, anyone have check news crusades for their 2024 bingo disaster card?
My os is running with a slightly modified us qwerty, which then is mapped through keyboard firmware to a modified us dvorak.
Ah just read the post title. Thanks for the correction!
l wouldn’t call half of these java frameworks
I have the same feeling about kubernetes.