The reports of the assault of Mr. Krabs by Squidward Tentacles are greatly exaggerated
(But yes)
The reports of the assault of Mr. Krabs by Squidward Tentacles are greatly exaggerated
(But yes)
He’s a hoe, he’s a fiend, he’s an owl or a bean, that’s Feanor for sure.
It’s just relativity of motion depending on the frame of reference. For instance, if I have motorised shoes and am walking on an elephant running on a train that progresses on a large ball rolling on a treadmill (with friction) while a monkey is running on the ball in the other direction (without friction); relative to my dog sitting on the couch (with friction), the couch is immobile.
Boxism hype machine:“Keep in mind that Carter is undefeated, so this could go either way!”
“But what about the reports of Carter’s dementia?”
“Actually that could be a great advantage for the former President, not getting tangled in Logan’s past moves”
“And what about the rumours about Logan’s last matches being rigged”
“No, this is completely different, it will be quite a challenge this time. I’ll give it 50/50”
!subscribe to badger facts
Have you ever torn up a giant tower disguised as a tree? Have you ever flooded and drowned thousands of orcs and goblins in anger, Peter? I was in the SAS during the war, Peter, and you can’t imagine what I’ve seen and what I’ve done. I have goblin blood on my hands, and I feel no remorse. Would you like to know how a goblin squeals when he drowns, Peter? It’s like a symphony of terror.
Maybe it’s the flag of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath party? Maybe that cartoon was openly defending the right for Iraq to get WMDs?'ath_Party_–_Iraq_Region
The tiny human is part of meal offer I think. I believe it’s a common offering, you’re usually invited to share wings, pizza, a tiny human and ice cream.
ETA: I’m reliably informed it’s usually Coca-Cola, not a tiny human. I stand corrected.
Hear hear. Back in my day you had to earn your musculoskeletal chronic pains, they were not handed to you easily like today.
Boromir would have gotten additional tax returns.
Lord Sauron surely knows best what is good for us. People who criticise him have no idea of the burden it must be to take decisions in order to enslave everyone, make people despair, rape entire villages, etc. If you had to do it for only a day, you would probably feel like butter stretched on toast.
– The mouth of Sauron
So this is why there is a “Block user” option. Thanks for clearing that up
You know that Hitler was not only a famous painter, surely? I know it’s not a competition, but I’ve heard the guy has done some fairly bad things
Gadget Hackwrench
Congratulations to Gwyneth Paltrow and Benedict Cumberbatch for their baby
Lei Feng, the epitome of temperance? He was very fond of long and hard poles, or so I’ve heard.
(And I like how everything is slightly wrong in this meme. Too bad no one was purged in this list)
Italian coproduction if I remember correctly, it’s a weird B-movie and I wonder how they managed to keep using the intellectual property for it.
deleted by creator
They will rip your dick out, Jamie send that video of jacked hairless chimps
Lol your 12! Get in your grave grandpa
The obvious way out of this situation: open your own kebab place and start calling him bossman or chief.