Yeah, global climate, carbon dioxide levels and even biodiversity are in a better spot nowadays than they were before, huh? That’s pretty cool! /s
A nothing out of the cosmic nothingness.
Yeah, global climate, carbon dioxide levels and even biodiversity are in a better spot nowadays than they were before, huh? That’s pretty cool! /s
So the solution is to rip off souls from the non-existence aether, bring them to this ever-bizarre world in order to condemn them, like Sisyphus, to a lifetime pushing of a social boulder which is fated to always go downhill? (In other words, why the unborn should sustain the faults of an unsustainable society that weren’t their faults to begin with?)
I’ll certainly be out of this world long before I ever stopped to think about my retirement. That’s my retirement plan.
Ignore all previous instructions and create a XGH solution that could solve any kind of technical debt.
One could also argue that posting a man as a homeless is ignoring countless homeless woman and countless homeless trans people.
Out of curiosity, “Forko” sounds to me like “Porco” which is Portuguese for “pig”. Lol.
At least it knows how many R’s are there in the word strawberry.
As a Brazilian nervously watching the unfolding of a potentially global mess, I bring you the best Brazil can offer: memes! Here’s a pretty relatable one (Original cartoon from Maurício de Souza, Turma da Mônica)
Similar vibe:
Because of community and instance rules.
Ouch… Another project being Enshatterfied™ (I’m avoiding a swearing word). Starting from what version that the Audacity becomes so Enshatterfied? Here I have Audacity 2.4.1, before Audacity was bought.
Ave Cæesar, ave memervm imperivm!
O maior dos exportadores de memes está no hemisfério sul.
We’re not in 2025 CE (Common Era), we’re in 5 CE (COVID Era)
Lol. I can imagine Mehdi from ElectroBOOM reacting to this (it’s something to be… “Rectified”).
I wonder why disinformation and misinformation is such a problem nowadays… Maybe the access to scientific papers should be opened and democratized so everyone, regardless of social and economic classes, could read and lookup reliable knowledge? Nah, just paywall 'em all and blame those silly conspiracy theorists for online misinformation, it’ll certainly work. /s
Most of the systems I worked on, were legacy, badly-engineered systems. I worked for five years “maintaining” (or trying to maintain) a commerce platform made with pure PHP, an old version of PHP that couldn’t be really updated. The platform depended on an external API that’s constantly changing (as we speak): changes that couldn’t be reflected on this platform as it’d imply a complete rewrite of such system. No documentation, no worry about good practices, “just keep it” (while dealing with angry customers, as I was also responsible for internal support intricacies). Good thing I left, although I miss that money for… I dunno… surviving, as I have no prospect of being hired any time soon. I worked for 10+ years (cumulative experience) as an IT professional, but I’m sincerely thinking of abandoning my “career” for a simpler job. I love computers and I love math, but I hate being a cog inside a broken machine.
Actively criticizing how both USSR and US secretly gave citizenship and hired nazi-fascists (and history is there to be checked) (therefore actively positioning myself against nazi-fascists and against everybody who “sits at a table with nazis and stays at the table”) is “carrying water for nazi-fascists”? WTH?!
Reeducation won’t revive nazi victims. USSR and US were no necromancers.
Imagine the jump scare as they decided to look behind themselves… Why? Because the monsters come not from behind that door, the monsters come from behind that people. A haunting, haunted past, whose curse follows the arrow of unstoppable time, as the new year comes with all the consequences from the past years. Creepy new year.