I think if you reflect a little, you know the answer really. Take a look at what happened during the pandemic
Although the 1% is really the 0.1%. So it’s much, much worse.
I think if you reflect a little, you know the answer really. Take a look at what happened during the pandemic
Although the 1% is really the 0.1%. So it’s much, much worse.
Yes. Not intentionally of course. But yes.
I don’t see how your way is any more predictable or consistent than using UTC. What even is “local time”? Are you assuming they haven’t changed timezone since they created the data? Say…DST happened, or they drove over a border…?
Storing and manipulating in UTC is the most predictable and consistent because it is universal and unchanging. You only need to worry about “local time” at the point of displaying it.
So many things would be fucked by a TZ change that it very rarely makes sense to consider it.
You’re making a calendar app? Fuck it…some folks are gonna get confused…solved by simply emailing your users and telling them to reschedule shit because there’s kind of a big event going on that everyone knows about and has been planning for for years. Hell in all liklihood this is probably easily solved by simply doing a mass migration of events scheduled before the TZ change.
You’re coding for nuclear weapons? Maybe consider it. But probably not.
That is to say: there are ways to solve problems without resorting to writing the most complicated bullshit code ever seen. Unless of course you work on my team - in which case you’d be right at home.
Maybe they’re planning on dying before then? In which case they’re fine.
Your comment is a full throated endorsement of just working in UTC up until the presentation layer. Whether you intended that or not is another question.
Pretty sure our right wing is left of your left wing. So no you can’t have it because you don’t have a system that supports anything other than the right-wing hellscape you got now.
Exactly how heavy is the accent? And are we talking parisian or quebecois?
Yeah…imagine actually getting in a gun fight and getting shot in the hand/arm only to then be completely useless.
Get training that lefty (or righty if you are a lefty!)
Yeah but you must recognise that’s a luxury. There’s no going back because your circumstances allow it. If someone needs more storage but they can’t afford an SSD then there is going back - and I for one would choose loading screens over no screens.
There’s way too much snobbery around PCs imo. I want to encourage the world to be more compromising so that there is no societal pressure to buy this year’s gfx card for £1700 and this year’s CPU for £700 and this year’s newest nvme for £300 etc…etc…buy what you can and want to afford.
Yeah the US differs by a couple of weeks iirc
Honestly…spinning disks are good for anything. Yeah I don’t have any in my gaming rig but my NAS is only spinners. Cheap and fast enough.
It all comes down to how much money you have. If you can only afford spinning disks, then get them - and enjoy your gaming. If you can afford faster drives then great, good for you!
Speaking of being an old man, let me tell you:
“The future is now old man” != “The future is now, old man.”
I genuinely tripped over this sentence thanks to the lack of punctuation.
Well what cake was it you lunatic?
What’s the ableism in the comment? Sincere question because I thought I knew what it was but can’t spot any here so I must be ignorant.
I completely agree. I taught JS/TS for 5yrs and I always emphasised that the ‘class’ keyword was just syntactic sugar for what was already available in prototype inheritance of JS.
Huh? I’ve worked with TypeScript + React for the last 5yrs and the only time I see OOP is when someone’s done something wrong.
Maybe you’re thinking of old react with class based components?
Ah right over my head haha…I usually get people calling me a tankie or socialist or fascist or whatever I lose track…im just your run of the mill European lefty in reality.
What makes you hate it?