I wouldn’t call Kamala a liberal either. The actual liberal in the show seemed to the DA’s daughter.
I wouldn’t call Kamala a liberal either. The actual liberal in the show seemed to the DA’s daughter.
I didn’t know those were a comic thing. The Flag Smashers were so bad and stupid I buried them in my memory. I saw them less as a political group and more as delusional extremists mad their economic situation went in the toilet because people who were dead suddenly weren’t. Killed children over “borders bad”. Boy do I hate that part of the show.
Was your impression that the DA sister was a liberal? She was always doing her part to put people in jail, just didn’t tolerate the police cutting corners. She always put her family first as well, corrupt as hell.
It’s a shame the show is such a good concept. I loved watching what was essentially an every day look into this police dynasty but boy did it get unbearably boot licky over time. The old man telling his stories of how he used to not give a fuck as an old cop from the 60s was always funny (and explains how the family has always been this “privileged” strata).
Weird but not that out of the ordinary. Watched the previous two movies before seeing 3 and that general is one odd fellow.
But super hero movies have no subtlety!!!
Oh dear, that post from the core-js guy made my blood boil. He’s been taken advantage of by the whole world.
Objects weren’t properly saving in a game, so the developer showed me what code I could copy paste to enable objects to save. Much like Thanos, “fine, I’ll do it myself”.
Hate her because she was prosecutor but at least she’s not the undead monster that is Bo Jiden.
Please be fake. :(
Enjoy freedom! Keep in touch with your friends, if you had any/liked them.
Interesting. I welcome any change that drives it away from being purely for Apple apps. Funny and creative use of the slider element for the iOS version.
Thank you for explaining and for the article, that makes sense. I can’t see any reason against having it, but I’ve never had to interact with that so I’m not qualified enough to form a concrete opinion!
Can someone explain this article? I’m not sure what signing a commit is. If it’s the information appended with a commit (username, time of commit, commit message), then it sounds insane to be against that. It’s so helpful to not only know who did what in case you need to reach out to the person behind something, but also knowing the why behind it can be important.
The majority of the issues the author has seem strange to me. I can understand not wanting GitHub to be this central authority. However, in what world is making a commit to a repo indicative of one endorsing every single line in a repo? And the security issues just come down to “don’t let your data leak”. Though that could be an issue if GitHub leaks it themselves.
I simply have very little to contribute.
What in the fuck is this title.
Hilarious but their fault for not making a standard. The guy was just taking the initiative.
mouthpart penetrates the phloem
liquid is forced out of the anus
Sweet Jesus.
They can go fuck themselves. I don’t even post and it’s aggravating how many questions I see go unanswered because they declare it a duplicate or something else to make it invalid. I see it more commonly now when I have more complex issues. Thanks but that post you linked to being the “original” is not the solution. They don’t even gain anything from doing this. Don’t you WANT more traffic by having more questions posted and answered?!