The problem of sun radiation can be mitigated by dwelling underground as many early humans did so
The problem of sun radiation can be mitigated by dwelling underground as many early humans did so
Seriously, if you do take one verse from the whole response, you get straw men you fighting with.
I just told you that jabber / xmpp was created in the times almost nobody knew or believed mobile phones can be a thing. Thus it got created in that way: many similarities of xmpp and e-mail, irc or icq which didn’t stand the passage of time.
Of course, you’re right xmpp evolved to get PubSub extension as an “optional feature” but because of its availability (or rather lack) - most servers didn’t support it even the client did support, xmpp didn’t win the acceptance of the end-users. It got some attention in the business world (cisco jabber) but not in the retail.
Business cannot work forever without clients willing to pay or at least use, so it died off even in the business.
End of story, try not to fighting with the straw men you created.
XMPP is very old and was created when nobody knew about mobile phones. It worked more like true messaging app less than messages store ( unlike matrix ).
Requirement of permanent tcp ip connection doesn’t work well for mobile + pretty much useful feature in xmpp ( like message history ) is optional. If something doesn’t work in xmpp most people would blame xmpp / jabber rather than the lack of feature support in their server
Mastodon offers rss for both keywords and users
Hmm, what alternative? XML :-)? People hate Grade DSL just for not being xml
Keep it all together with the code and use f.e. asciidoctor or rst ( python ). There is also doxygen but it’s not most user friendly